Tuesday, November 9, 2010

When Will the Time Come?

I would definitely have to agree with Mr. Waggoner on the fact that the government can become a little soft when it comes to putting their true opinion out on certain and most topics.  I understand, that whichever side they do decide to choose will come with a lot of push back from citizens that strongly disagree with the decision.  However, that is the point of being a candidate for what you represent.  I do understand that politicians have to gain every vote as possible and they will do to the best of their ability to gain every vote and yes that may even mean never really giving firm beliefs on certain topics such as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  I personally don’t believe anyone should be looked down upon just because of their sexual orientation, and I definitely don’t believe a question of their judgment to fight for their country is any different because of their sexual orientation.  Mr. Waggoner is right, we need someone who will not be afraid to stand up for what he or she believes in and support it.  When that person comes I believe there will be a significant change in American Politics, because as of right now I just don’t see it happening.  Mr. Waggoner did a good job presenting his critique of “Government seeks stay of Don’t ask, don’t tell ruling.”  He stated his opinion on the subject and even gave a solution he felt would resolve the situation in question.

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